Adult Faith Formation

The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Every person in your pews, every Catholic in your parish community, child or adult, is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Do you know someone interested in the Catholic Faith or interested in becoming Catholic? Have you been baptized a Catholic but have not received your First Communion and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation yet? Perhaps you have been away from the Church for a while and would like to return but feel uncomfortable doing so. If this describes you or someone you know, please join us for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) classes.

Classes are for any adult or child older than 7 years of age, who is not fully initiated (baptized or received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation).

Learn more

Bible Study (Fall, Winter, and Spring)

The Bible is the literature of the people of God, the book of the church. We open the Bible to hear our story. When we understand that the Bible is our literature, we can enter into the story personally. How do I fit into this great story of God and humanity? How is my life being shaped by this inspired literature and molded into the person I was created to be?

There are two Bible Study groups: Mondays at 6:30 pm, and Fridays at 9:45 am. Contact Peggy at for more information.

We are excited to announce that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet with internet access.

FORMED is an exciting new gateway to the best Catholic teaching videos, books, and audio talks to deepen your relationship with Christ and his Church. All in one place and for the whole family!

Catechetical Certification Program

The Archdiocese of Seattle offers a program to learn both the "what" and the "how" of authentically passing on the treasures of our Catholic faith. To learn more, visit the Archdiocese of Seattle website.

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