Councils & Committees

Parish Pastoral Council

In developing priorities and directions for the parish, this council is to become the means of achieving full participation by the whole parish in its mission by giving all a voice in guiding and directing parish life. In fostering communication, the council encourages and initiates dialogue among parish leadership and organizations, the Archdiocese, and brings the concerns of the larger Church.

Kristen Mattoni (Pastoral Council Chairperson)

Lee Berumen         Jennifer Esteban

 Ace Walter            Bill Whitaker

Finance Council

A consultative body which provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish fiscal resources. It assists the pastor by:

  • Conducting long-range financial planning with regard to funding operational and capital needs in the parish and developing a three-year fiscal plan
  • Ensuring that an annual parish budget is prepared. This process involves those responsible for parish programs, and should address the parish priorities and goals determined by the pastor and parish pastoral council
  • Providing financial analysis of current fiscal status reports
  • Providing fiscal analysis of proposed goals, strategies and programs

Matt Green (Finance Council Chairperson)

Matt Prichard

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee serves our parish through the ministry of liturgy. We hope to build the faith of our community through an understanding of our church’s rituals and traditions and through the art of finding the most helpful expression of those traditions for our parish and its people. 

Liturgy Commission Michael Bladow
Sacristan Peggy Buckingham
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist Suzy Berger
Lector/Reader Bob Rohrbach
Usher/Greeter Rick Shepherd
Altar Server Chris Brookes
Art & Environment Carmela Wolf
Music Ministers Carmela Wolf
Altar Society Carol Valdemor

Facility Committee


  • To regularly review the condition of the parish buildings, grounds, utilities and infrastructure to ensure their adequacy in supporting the mission and vision of the Church.
  • Provide professional guidance to the Pastor in the oversight, maintenance, and operations of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish.
  • Make recommendations to the Pastoral/Finance Councils on proposed maintenance, operations, and future expenses.

Joe Mattoni (Chair)

Mike Vanover

Scott Wolf

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