PARISH ADDRESS: 39025 SE Alpha St, Snoqualmie, WA
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
OFFICE HOURS: Tue-Wed: 9:30 am-4:30 pm (closed 12:00-12:30 pm for lunch), Thur: 12:30-4:30 pm
The history of Our Lady of Sorrows goes back to the turn of the 20th century. The church has an extensive history and takes a significant place in the history of the Snoqualmie Valley as a whole. Below is a chronological review of the past 94 years since the church was established, using previous parish directories.
First Mass was celebrated in a hall in North Bend, May 20, 1891 by Fr. Giroux from Snohomish. Other masses were celebrated in the home of Conail Fury in Snoqualmie, and in stores and homes of other parishioners. In 1902 Ella Margaret Carroll was the first person baptized on February 27, 1902 by Fr. John E. O’Brien. The first marriage recorded was that of William Fury and Frances Brickenridge, August 19, 1919, witnessed by Rev. William Carey. The first Confirmation was on May 4, 1932 by Bishop McGrath of Baker City, Oregon.
Established as a parish on July 25, 1929. Rev. Michael Rosol was the first pastor. The rectory was built in 1929. Until it was completed Fr. Rosol lived at Meadowbrook Hotel in Snoqualmie. It was reported that there was great animosity towards Catholics in the valley in the early 1900’s. It was a time that the Ku Klux Klan were active but animosity lessened when William O’Neil, a strong Catholic, became manager of the mill and many Catholic activities were held in the mill hall. Early religious education for children was on Saturday mornings taught by the Sisters of Charity, and later by the Dominican Sisters, and as the parish grew parents and volunteers took on this responsibility. Fr. Rosol was replaced by Rev. Michael Mead in 1935 – 1949. Fr. Patrick McNerney was pastor until 1956 and Fr. Daniel McAllister served as pastor from 1956 to 1961. Little of the history is recorded in this time.
It was reported that Fr. Thomas Delahunty (1967-1975), next pastor was faced with a very difficult time with many changes in the church following Vatican II.
Father Lester McCloskey was assigned pastor (1975-1980). Under his direction renovations to the worship space took place and the moving of the rectory and the construction of the parish hall.
Rev. Gerald Moffat, pastor (1980-1992) completed the worship space renovation, the ramp, and completed the sacristy construction. He also implemented additional commissions to carry out the parish mission.
Fr. Jan Larson (1992-2007) was assigned as 8th pastor of OLOS. After retirement in 2007 he continues to assist on weekends at the parish. He emphasized hospitality and had a great appreciation of the liturgy which he shared with the parish.
Our ninth pastor at Our Lady of Sorrows arrived July 1, 2007. The parish had searched for property to build a church for the previous 15 years. Under his direction and the advice of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council, the parish purchased 10 acres of land at the Cascade Golf Course near North Bend in 2009 and also celebrated its 80th Anniversary.
Fr. Roy Baroma was assigned as the Priest Administrator, then was appointed as the parish pastor by Archbishop Peter Sartain in June 2016. The parish was affected by the global economic and unemployment crisis. Thus, it affected financially in so many ways. The unexpected economic crisis and the zoning restrictions became apparent that the parish would not be able to pay off the property loan and the new zoning restrictions would limit the land use. Therefore, the property was sold.
For more than eighty years, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish has been fulfilling its mission as a Catholic parish. At no time has the need for future planning been more important than today. The number of parishioners in our parish continues to grow as the ever-growing North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City, and Upper Preston areas become home to many new families.
A wonderful opportunity for our youth to serve the Lord and church community! Children in the 4th grade or older, who have completed the sacraments of Baptism and First Communion, and who would like to be actively involved in the Mass may serve. The primary role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest during Mass.
Support the care of the altar by cleaning and laundering altar cloths and hospitality linens. Linens require special handling, ironing skills, and a washer and dryer.
Assist staff with traditional and seasonal church décor and general aesthetics of the church building.
Welcome and serve our community by hosting Coffee Hour and/or simply providing food donations after weekend Masses. It's all about hospitality and fellowship, and plays an important role in growing the parish. We currently have a great need for volunteers to continue this minisitry!
OLOS was once heavily involved in volunteering and fundraising for our local food bank and winter shelter. Pre-COVID, OLOS provided meals for the homeless regularly. We seek to revitalize our role as a parish helping our own community. We welcome volunteers of all ages to meet and create a new committee to help our local food bank, other local charitable organizations, or an OLOS project.
Adult parishioners who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. We currently have a shortage in this ministry!
Both skilled and professional guidance is needed to ensure proper church upkeep and public safety. Regularly review the condition of the parish buildings, grounds, utilities, and infrastructure. Help with general repairs, seasonal, and routine maintenance is needed.
Sunday Classes: Volunteer teachers and classroom helpers assist in the faith formation of children from kindergarten through the 6th grade.
First Reconciliation/Communion Prep: Help teach children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Communion.
Confirmation Prep: Help prepare the youth Confirmation preparation program.
Children's Liturgy of the Word: Help children learn about the Sunday readings at a more understandable level during Sunday Mass.
Youth Group: Adults working with staff to support the youth group program and core curriculum.
If you are a landscaper, ground maintenance person, or just have a green thumb, help beautify and tend designated garden spaces on church property.
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist for Homebound: Bring the Eucharist to the sick or elderly confined in their homes, assisted living facilities, and hospital community.
Handywork for Homebound: Sometimes our elderly or homebound parishioners could use a bit of help at home to clean leaves from gutters, mowing, fixing a dripping faucet, etc.
Women's Outreach: Calling all women to carry out team visits for the elderly and homebound. Provide companionship, do light chores and shopping, vet and communicate any needs that fall within the Homebound Network to dispatch help for the elderly or homebound.
This Catholic men’s group supports vocations to the religious life. Involvement is a chance for personal growth, responsibility, and leadership. They host the annual Lenten Fish Fry, lead Tuesday night Rosary, and help with parish fundraising events. Outreach projects include Coats for Kids through the state council. We also offer life insurance and retirement investments to protect the family.
Readers that proclaim the Word for weekend Masses and special liturgies.
Plans and coordinates liturgical ministries to meet the needs of the parish for weekend Masses, Feast Days and special liturgies. Made up of ministry leads in charge of training and directives for each ministry group (Lectors - vacant, Ushers – vacant), plus up to 2 parishioners who don’t necessarily serve in liturgical ministry who provide insight (these 2 positions are also vacant).
We are currently welcoming cantors for Saturday Vigil Mass with Nell Engel and both cantors and instrumentalists for Sunday Mass with Michael Marchione. Cantors lead the congregation in psalms and hymns.
Serve “behind the scenes” in a vital role to ensure all the elements needed for Mass are in place.
“No work of charity is foreign to St. Vincent de Paul.” We meet with our neighbors in the local community in need within their homes to provide hope, comfort, help, and guidance. We help them with rent, utilities, food, and many other items.
Assist in greeting, seating, taking up the collection, and obtaining/assisting the host family in presenting the offering. Ushers also help those needing assistance during Mass.
Our Lady of Sorrows